Thursday, March 20, 2014

Climb the Wall

I was just sitting here working on some upcoming sermons and working on details of upcoming youth events when my mind started to wander (I know that's hard to believe but let's focus).  I started thinking of my upcoming family vacation to Disney World and all that we're looking forward to; the shows, the rides, the memories and of course THE FOOD!  But my mind didn't stay in Disney too long. Before I knew it I was remembering the "hike" I went on with my two daughters this past fall.  We were hiking along a trail in a park that lead down toward a river, so of course we followed it.  It was pretty fun.  We were like ancient explorers looking to conquer a new land.  This trail headed down river and then headed off from the river up stream on one of the streams feeding into the river. So being the awesome explorers that we were we followed it.  This new trail wound its way around trees and up hills and in between large rock walls.  Then all of a sudden the trail ran into a dead end with a stream on one side and a rock wall on the other side and in front of us.  So we were faced with a life or death decision...turn back or try to climb the wall.

I was thinking that we would be turning back because no way was I taking two daughters back injured to our cabin where my wife was waiting. That just would have been suicide and I would have never heard the end of it if one (or both) fell while attempting to climb the wall of doom!  As I'm turning around to head back down the trail, my oldest daughter begins to climb the wall and before I could even say anything she was half way up as her and her sister talked to each other about where to put there hands and feet.  As a dad I just stood there and admired what they were able to do when faced with a hard decision.

Needless to say we all made it up without any issues and I didn't have to explain any broken bones to my wife - THANK YOU JESUS!  But I got to often do we come face to face with a huge challenge and instead of trying to conquer them we turn back in fear.  The Bible is filled with scriptures that tell us not to be afraid (so it must be an important thing to remember) and Jesus takes it one step further and tells us that we will be able to accomplish great things (John 14:12).  I think when those challenges in life come God sits back and waits to see if we'll turn around or if we'll put our faith in Him and step and pull our way to the top of the wall to continue down the path that leads us deeper into Him.  Challenges are never easy and sometimes they are painful, but change and growth never come without trials and/or pain. Don't allow the walls in life to distract you from the path God is leading you down.  Climb the wall, continue down the path and enjoy the adventure you and God are on.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ever Been Smacked in the Head with a 2X4?

Have you ever been smacked in the head with a 2X4?  I think we can all confidently say "ummm...NO!" (if you HAVE been hit in the head with a 2X4 you may need to make some life changes...just saying)  Even though I haven't been hit in the head with a 2X4, I'm pretty sure it would hurt.  I'm also pretty sure if I was hit with one I would know (The blood or smelling sauce would probably give it away.), but I would definitely know I was hit.  I would be in some pain, there would be some confusion and disorientation and it would take some time to figure out what the heck just happened.

Now I haven't been literally hit with a 2X4, but spiritually I have.  I think so often we expect our encounters with God to be these feel good, chasing rainbows and butterflies kind of experiences, but God is pretty good with a 2X4 (speaking from experience!) and I think He needs to be.  Most of the time we are stubborn and hard-headed - well, at least I am - and for God to get our attention He has to wind up and swing.

I remember when I was just starting out in ministry and I felt the sting of the 2X4.  We had moved from Pennsylvania to Texas and my wife and I were looking for a church to call home.  Once we found that church I felt God calling me to get involved with youth ministry and my response to that was a loud and emphatic "HECK NO!".  My middle school and high school years were the worst and I'm so glad time travel isn't possible because I would not even want to travel back in time to relive those years to even try to make them better.  I battled with God for months about this call until one day He just got out His spiritual 2X4 and swung for the fences.  Let me tell you...I am so glad He did!  I love working with students as they work through who Jesus is and what that means for them.  The transformation that comes with a Godly smack with a 2X4 is worth pain, confusion, and possible embarrassment we may go through to join God on the path to the life He's called us to live.

So in those days of confusion, frustration, disorientation, and pain realize God may have just smacked you in the head with a 2X4 to get your attention.  He's got bigger and better things planned for us and sometimes a little pain is required for the transformation.